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The Finnish nuclear industry is on the way to use more High-Quality Industrial Grade Items in Nuclear Installations

Laborious qualification processes and operating practices of the nuclear industry set challenges to projects related to modernisation and building the nuclear plants. The supplier network is dwindling and there is less interest in supplying equipment to nuclear facilities. Finnish nuclear industry is tackling the challenge with a joint project called KELPO.

The Finnish Energy (ET) member companies Fortum, Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) and Fennovoima launched the KELPO Project in 2018 to propose new procedures and operating methods particularly in relation to equipment procurements in lower safety classes. In the second phase of the project in 2019, the testing of the new processes was started in the pilot projects. Also Finnish Radiation and Nuclear safety Authority (STUK) is in co-operation with this project.

The aim of the KELPO project is to enable the use of standard equipment particularly in
the mechanical discipline and developing procurement and quality assurance
processes to become more fit for purpose and clear to equipment suppliers in
particular. Some changes to approval process of the authority are being
proposed in the project.

With these renewals the high level of safety and reliability can be maintained also in the
future. According to the report high quality of the equipment is best assured
by allowing equipment manufacturers to follow their own well proven procedures.
This approach is used also by other industries.

The cooperation between licence holders is developed, focusing on information sharing, common
activities and joint procedures. To implement the cooperation on a practical
level, there is a proposal to create a shared Digital Platform for licence
holders, which includes databases, procedures, documents and templates to
support equipment procurements.

The development work continues with the KELPO project in 2020, with particular focus on
developing and implementing the cooperation between licence holders on a
practical level. Also the pilot projects continue in 2020.

The report of the second phase is below.

More information:

Juha Poikola, Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Chairman
of the KELPO project advisory board

Kati Takala, Finnish Energy

Lataa EN_KELPO2-report_Appendix_1 (PDF)
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