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District heating statistics

Download Energy Year 2023 District Heating, preliminary graphs (PowerPoint) Download District heating in Finland 2022 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2022, tables (Excel) Download District heat, fuels by region 2022 (Excel) Download District heating 2022 in graphs (PowerPoint) Download District heating in Finland 2021 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2021, tables (Excel) Download District heat, fuels by region 2021 (Excel) Download District heating 2021 in graphs (PowerPoint) Download District Heating in Finland 2020 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2020, tables (Excel) Download District heat, fuels by region 2020 (Excel) Download District Heating in Finland 2019 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2019, tables (Excel) Download District heat, fuels by region 2019 (Excel) Download District heating in Finland 2018 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2018, tables (XLSX) (Excel) Download District heat, fuels by region 2018 (Excel) Download District heating in Finland 2017 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2017, tables (Excel) Download District heat, fuels by region 2017 (Excel) Download District heating in Finland 2016 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2016, tables Download District heat, fuels by region 2016 Download District heating in Finland 2015 (PDF) Download District heating in Finland 2015, tables Download District heat, fuels by region 2015

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Neea Huttunen

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+358 50 473 8896

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