Statistics on district heating
Finnish Energy publishes yearly an extensive statistical publication on district heating which contains company specific information about the sector. We also publish statistical data on district heat outages, the costs of building district heating infrastructure and the cost of potential damage, as well as the key figures of production and distribution.
Energy Year 2024 – District heating, preliminary graphs (pptx)
Energy Year 2024 – District heating, preliminary graphs (pdf)
Finnish Energy compiles statistical publications on district heating based on the data collected. These publications service sustainable advocacy in our association. Data is also used in national and international energy statistics. For us it is important that our statistics represent reliably and openly Finnish district heating operations.
Finnish Energy has an agreement with Statistics Finland according to which Finnish Energy compiles district heating data and forwards summary reports to Statistics Finland. Statistics Finland uses this data to compile preliminary energy statistics, annual statistics and quarterly national accounts. It also forwards necessary data to Eurostat and International Energy Agency.
Statistics are used by our member companies, media, authorities and researchers and consultants. Also customers can use our data to for example, monitor which fuels have been used in the production of district heat and how the prices of district heat have developed.
Finnish Energy publishes yearly an extensive statistical publication on district heating, which contains company-specific information about the sector. We also publish statistical data on district heat outages, the costs of building district heating infrastructure and the cost of any damage and the key figures of production and distribution. Statistics concerning the price of district heating are compiled and published twice a year. We also publish key statistical data on the use and production of district cooling.
District heating and cooling statistics are available in Finnish and English. Other statistics on district heating and cooling are only available in Finnish and can be found on our Finnish website.
Our experts on this topic

District heat, statistics

Land use and contract matters, licensing processes for the installation of energy networks and installations, district heating and natural gas distribution and networks, quality assurance of district heating pipes