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District heating of buildings publication K1

The compliance of the regulations and guidelines in this publication is determined in the private-law contract between the customer and the heat vendor.

This publication, District heating in buildings (K1/2013), defines basic requirements for the design, installation and devices of the district heating equipment in the building. These guidelines give directions for district heating substations: their connection schemes as well as quality control and inspections.

Uniform guidelines for the entire country are in the interest of all those operating in the sector. Uniform requirements for the functions and fittings of the devices reduce costs and increase competitiveness in district heating. 

Note: This publication is a translation of the corresponding recommendation in Finnish. In any cases of ambiguity in interpretation, the Finnish-language instructions shall be complied with.

Download District heating of buildings - Regulations and guidelines (K1/2013) (PDF) Download Poistoilmalampopumppu_kaukolampotaloon_ohjeet_suunnittelijalle (PDF) Download Poistoilmalampopumppu_kaukolampotaloon_ohjeet_taloyhtiolle (PDF) Download Lämmönjakokeskusten kytkennät_Välisyöttökytkentä ja ns. kaksivetoinen käyttövesisiirrin (PDF)

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