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Changes in Finnish Energy’s Brussels office

Joona Turtiainen will be replaced by Antti Kohopää as Head of EU Affairs on first of July. Turtiainen moves to Helsinki offices to start as director of advocacy.

Joona Turtiainen has been leading Finnish Energy’s EU lobbying since 2016. “The Nordic Energy Office was established just when the Clean Energy Package came out,” he says. “It has been very interesting and a privilege to be a part of the energy policy community in Brussels during the times when all legislation and strategies for the sector have been completely overhauled. Who would have thought how well aligned behind the carbon neutrality target Europe now is, and how it seems likely that it will be achieved,” he adds. In his new position as of July 1st, Turtiainen is responsible for Finnish Energy’s overall lobbying performance and headline targets.

Antti Kohopää, currently senior advisor for taxes, levies, and subsidies at Finnish Energy, is arriving in Brussels to take the helm for the association’s EU lobbying. “The Green deal is a new type of opportunity, where already mostly decarbonized parts of the energy system can help the rest to complete their task,” Kohopää comments. “However, we still have much to look after to have long-term visibility for investments, a functioning internal energy market and the required technological progress in the coming years.”

Annina Alasaari continues at the Finnish Energy EU office as EU policy advisor.

Finnish energy sector has halved its carbon emissions in the past decade and has committed to halving them further in this decade. We are committed to a carbon neutral Finland by 2035 and EU by 2050. Upcoming new and reviewed EU policies are central in making this possible.

Finnish Energy (Energiateollisuus) is a branch organisation for the industrial and labour market policy of the energy sector. It represents 270 companies that produce, procure, distribute and sell electricity, gas, district heat and district cooling and related services.

Our experts on this topic

Antti Kohopää

Head of EU Affairs

Public Affairs and Communications

Antti Kohopää

Head of EU Affairs

Public Affairs and Communications

+32 483 85 88 18

+358 50 344 9265

Annina Alasaari

Senior Advisor

Energy Production

Annina Alasaari

Senior Advisor

Energy Production

+358 50 574 8233

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