District heating customers
District heat is by far the most popular heating method in Finland in both old and new buildings, and it has maintained its popularity over the decades.
Usually, district heat is chosen because it is an easy, reliable, efficient and competitive solution and the customers can leave all heating issues to be taken care of by the professionals.
District heat is suitable for all types of buildings: detached homes, apartment blocks, commercial premises, office and service buildings, and for public buildings and industrial heating needs. It is possible to join as a district heating customer if there is already a district heating network in the area or if one is being planned.
Many district heating companies have products and alternatives for the heating needs of different customer types. The local district heating companies will be glad to provide information about the suitability of district heat to an individual property.
A written contract is always drawn up on connecting to the district heating network, and the terms of contract recommended by Finnish Energy are usually complied with in the supply of district heat. If the general terms are not suitable for the customer’s needs, they can be deviated from by mutual consent of the customer and the district heating company.
It is normally worth using district heat for all of the customer’s heating needs, such as preheating of domestic hot water, heating of premises and ventilation. It is also possible to use district heating to keep courtyards and stairs free of ice and snow and to heat buildings during construction.
As a district heating customer, you can save energy and money without having to make big investments. With correct and well-advised use of heating equipment, energy is saved without having to compromise on the requirements of healthy and comfortable living. When the equipment is in good condition, the room temperature remains comfortable and stable and there is always enough hot tap water of the correct temperature.
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Networks, Services, Service Industry, District heating