Finnish Energy funds energy research through the Electricity Research Pool, the Environmental Research Pool, and in the district heating sector. We also carry out an annual survey on the energy attitudes of Finns.
Research and development activities play an important role in the implementation of the carbone neutral vision of energy industry. New innovations are needed to make it possible to carry out the investment plans of the coming years in a cost efficient and environmentally friendly way.
Finnish Energy provides funding for R&D through the environmental and electricity research pools and in the district heating sector.
Electricity Research Pool
The Electricity Research Pool (Sähkötutkimuspooli) was established for the development of research in electrical power engineering, electricity transmission and distribution and the related service production, and other research serving the energy industry.
The Electricity Research Pool consists of the Parties. The operation and legal obligations of the Pool is the responsibility of Finnish Energy. The operation of the Electricity Research Pool covers the period 2021 to 2023.
Parties aim to organise and promote research projects related to the technological and business development of the electricity network operations, electricity trade, electrical power engineering and service production in Finland for the mutual benefit of the Parties. This is done by coordinating and developing research activities taking place for the benefit of the Parties. In addition funding research projects and studies, which serve the purposes of the Parties, in universities and research institutes and in expert organisations. The objective is also to promote international research cooperation within the industry and utilise and apply international research results also in Finland.
The research and survey funding accepts applications at all times. Funding requests are addressed to the representative of the Pool. The representative of the Electricity Research Pool is Tuukka Heikkilä of Finnish Energy.
Environmental Research Pool
The Environmental Research Pool (Ympäristöpooli) is based on a cooperation agreement under which energy sector coordinates joint environmental research, ensures implementation of necessary projects and improves the use of the research and development resources. The Pool initiates and funds studies and research related to energy sector’s environmental issues, such as climate change mitigation and the new energy system, sustainability, environmental impacts and relevant policy instruments.
The priorities for the period 2022-2024 focus on energy system change, environmental impact, sustainability, and regulation. The key theme is the balance between energy production, environmental impacts, and acceptability.
Funding is open to all, and applications are invited on a continuous basis. To apply for funding, applicants are asked to submit the funding application form, together with a more detailed project description. The application is submitted by e-mail to the Environmental Research Pool Coordinator Marja Rankila. Ideally the results of projects funded by the Pool are public. Projects that are subject to competition between the parties’ business or product development area are not funded.
District Heating Research
The district heating sector is under constant pressure for change. The sector is expected to increase the use of renewable energy, to be energy efficient and to deploy intelligent solutions. In the changing operating environment, it has been necessary to identify the opportunities in order to do well in the district heating business.
Research funded by Finnish Energy’s district heating sector aims to help the industry to develop in the technical, economic and environmental sense.
Finnish Energy’s district heating sector raises annually about EUR 160,000 research funds to finance topical research, contribute to the technological advancement of the district heating industry and take care of the continuity of district heating research. Several research projects funded by the district heating sector also serve the wider social need for information.
District heating research funding can be applied for full funding for smaller projects, but also for those projects that receive other funding.
Funding can be applied for projects implemented by research institutes, independent consultants and researchers. Finnish Energy district heating sector also wants to encourage students to study district heating and thus provides funding for related thesis projects.
In addition to accepting research applications, we also look for incentives for research projects coming within the district heating industry. If you notice a gap in an existing research or have an idea that calls for further study, we will be glad to hear about it. We will find out whether the subject has potential and, if so, we will conduct a study on it.
For further information and enquiries, please contact Sirpa Leino.
Finnish Energy Attitudes
The annual Energy Attitudes survey measures Finns’ attitudes towards energy production, the environmental impact of energy and various energy policy issues. For further enquiries about the survey, please contact Jukka Relander.
Our experts on this topic

Electricity Research Pool, Cyber security, Electric traffic, small-scale electricity generation

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