Internships and summer jobs
Energy companies offer work placements and internships, as well as summer jobs for pupils and students across Finland. It is also possible to undertake thesis project with these companies.
Summer jobs are an excellent opportunity to introduce young people to the energy sector and provide valuable work experience to support their career choices.
It is also possible do a thesis or dissertation with a company in our industry. Additionally, in the energy sector, you can complete the work life orientation period required by middle and high schools, known as TET internships. The TET period is an excellent opportunity to see real working life, gain good experiences, and apply what you have learned. It is worth approaching a potentially interesting company proactively to initiate cooperation. A list of Finnish Energy member companies can be found here.
For more information on traineeships and summer jobs (in Finnish), visit the Energiamaailma website.
Learn and Earn summer internship program 2023-2024
Finnish Energy, together with the parties to collective agreements, would like to contribute to supporting opportunities for primary and secondary school pupils and young people participating in TUVA training to get to know working life as part of the “Learn and Earn” summer internship program.
The aim of the program is to provide school pupils with first-hand experience of the activities in a workplace within the sector, the various job tasks, the staff structure, collaboration methods, and the opportunities offered by the industry. It also gives pupils the chance to perform suitable practical work.
The “Learn and Earn” internship lasts either two weeks or ten working days. The period can take place between June 1 and August 31 in the years 2023-2024. Applications for summer internship positions are made directly to companies in the sector.
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