Safety and well-being at work
The energy industry is a safety-oriented industry. Companies in this sector operate in environments where high energies and hazardous substances (electricity, heat, pressure, radiation, chemicals) are involved. Process, occupational and environmental safety are therefore key elements of the industry's activities.
In the industry, occupational safety and health is comprehensively managed with a strong focus on risk management. Safety in the industry is regulated through various laws, including legislation on occupational safety, electrical safety, pressure equipment, chemicals and construction safety.
Towards zero
The objective of safety management in the energy sector is
- zero occupational disease,
- zero bullying case,
- zero work-related sick leave,
- zero untreated incidents of violence or harassment,
- zero work-related burnout cases, and
- zero supervisors and employees unaware of health and safety issues.
How do we achieve this?
- Through safety management, planning and risk assessment.
- In collaboration with staff, the client, the service provider and other stakeholders.
- By performing tasks safely and accident-free. Safe working practices are integral to our professionalism, and we take pride in them.
- In addition to physical safety risks, we also focus on well-being at work, maintaining workability, and supporting aging employees.
The energy sector is committed to promoting and developing safety and well-being at work. Every year, companies in the sector are rewarded with the Vision Zero Forum’s occupational safety ratings.
Building occupational safety through cooperation
We promote workplace safety and health in the energy sector through active collaboration with various stakeholders. We work closely with other employers’ associations and develop good safety practices in cooperation with our member companies.
We highlight the specificities of the energy sector in the legislative process and in influencing interpretations by public authorities. Finnish Energy also cooperates with the social partners in the Branch Committee for the Electrical Industries and in the Industrial Group on the Centre for Occupational Safety and Health.
We monitor the state of occupational safety in the industry by maintaining safety indicators.
Our expert on this topic

work safety, well-being at work, labour legislation, collective agreements