This model contract includes only the key topics that should generally be agreed on in a contract concerning heat trade or that should at least be assessed when drawing up individual contracts. In addition, it is possible to add individually agreed terms, price lists and technical instructions to the contract where necessary. The parties may deviate from the wording of the model contract for justified reasons. However, it should be noted that the model contract in question has been processed extensively with the representatives of both the suppliers and the buyers with the effort of taking into account the needs, obligations and rights of both parties.
In addition to the contract clauses in the model contract, individually agreed conditions and needs specific to each case in the heat trade in question must be taken into account. It is likely that it will be necessary to specify or deviate from the model contract with respect to an individual contract, and therefore it is generally not possible to draw up a comprehensive model contract that would suit every situation.
In addition to the contract for heat trade, there may be a valid heat contract between the heating company and the customer concerning the heating of a property with district heating, agreeing on connecting the heat consumption site to the district heating network and supplying heat to the heat supply point. The general terms of contract for district heat shall be applied to the heat contract. The heat contract and the general terms of contract for district heat are not applied to the purchase of heat referred to in this model contract. A heat contract is not part of a contract concerning heat trade, and these contracts shall be dealt with separately.
With respect to the model contract for heat trade, separate application guidelines have also been drawn up, explaining the contents and the underlying purpose of the model contract in further detail. Therefore, the guidelines provide support for drawing up the contract as well as help in drawing up and applying individual contracts concerning heat trade. The application guidelines are not part of the contract for heat trade.
A separate working group consisting of representatives and members of Finnish Energy has been responsible for the preparation of the contents of the model contract and the related guidelines.
The Energy Markets Committee of Finnish Energy approved the model contract on 13 October 2022. The model contract has been updated on 9 January 2024.
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Land use and contract matters, licensing processes for the installation of energy networks and installations, district heating and natural gas distribution and networks, quality assurance of district heating pipes