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Smart urban energy systems

Smart energy systems for cities provides cost-efficient flexibility in transition towards carbon-neutral energy system enabling the customers to choose energy services according to their own preferences easily.

In the
future, different forms of energy, production technologies, distributed
generation and demand response should be optimally combined enabling the
flexible and cost-efficient transition towards emission-free energy systems.

the urban energy systems have a significant role in the development as the
energy networks in cities enable energy distribution and utilization of
storages based on the needs of both consumption and production. The increase in
intermittent electricity generation and decrease in flexible generation
increases the need for flexibility in energy system.

The study
addresses urban energy systems especially from the perspective of district
heating and cooling and seeks to identify how the utilization and smart control
of these systems could support the whole energy system to meet the future
requirements and challenges. Also in terms of heating solutions customers
expect to be able to choose energy solutions and services individually and
effortlessly and based on their own values. One of the key conclusions is that
district heating companies should be more active in offering comprehensive
services including optimization of living conditions, such as room temperature
and humidity, and alternative energy solutions.

energy control systems and service platforms enable better utilization of,
e.g.,  customers’ own energy production
and demand-side response, which can support the whole energy system.

In case of
district heating, this allows improved utilization of existing production
capacity which decreases the emissions.

addition, one objective of the study is to supplement and support Finnish Smart
Grid working group’s (nominated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Employment) work by offering the perspective of heating networks to the

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