Our vision
In 2035 customers, society and environment will gain new wellbeing from carbon-neutral energy.
Europe and Finland expect significant solutions from the energy sector.
- Climate emissions must still be reduced rapidly
- Extensive accountability is required
- Electrification of society
- Enhanced significance of security of supply and maintenance
Operating environment is challenging and unpredictable
- Shortage of components, raw materials and experts
- Dependence on Russia must be severed
- Customers are burdened by the rise and fluctuation of energy costs
According to our sector vision: In 2035 customers, society and environment will gain new wellbeing from carbon-neutral energy.

Finnish Energy’s advocacy strategy for 2023-2025 has five themes.
- Regulation methods concerning electricity distribution networks: Regulation methods for the period 2024-31 eenable construction and maintenance of future electricity distribution networks.
- Smooth investments and environmental policy: Licensing and land use planning support the implementation of investments with smooth processes and sufficient resources. Environmental regulation is appropriate and technology-neutral. Regulation methods are predictable and balanced.
- Efficient market and economic governance: Efficient operations are promoted by functioning labour market and rules in the electricity wholesale and retail market and in the heat and gas market. Consistency in financial steering, taxation, emissions trading and other economic governance with regard to the energy transition. Supply and terms of employment of competent workforce meet the needs of businesses.
- A functioning, low-carbon energy system: Customers reap the benefits when the system consisting of electrification, hydrogen economy, sector integration, heating solutions and storage works together in a flexible way and with secure supply and maintenance, enabled by networks and digitalisation. Energy efficiency is improved in the entire system.
- Significant and sustainable branch of industry: The industry is known to be socially significant and sustainable, developing new technologies and services, implementing new projects, offering interesting and meaningful jobs, and outlining ambitious visions of the future. Sustainability is own-initiative and sustainability regulation is appropriate.
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Energy policy, industrial policy, Finnish Energy's vision and strategy, advocacy, hydrogen and clean gases