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Membership of Finnish Energy

Finnish Energy has a total of 270 regular members and 60 cooperation members.

Finnish Energy promotes the development of energy sector. It also looks after the interests of its members and develops the national and international operational precondition related to industry and labour market policies.

Finnish Energy admits as members, companies which engage in business operations in the following fields:

  • production, procurement, transmission, distribution or sale of electricity
  • transmission and distribution of gas
  • production, procurement, transmission, distribution or sale of district heating and district cooling
  • design, implementation, operation, maintenance or building of networks and power plants
  • other services in the sector

Companies and educational establishments that are closely associated with the energy sector may be accepted as cooperation members of Finnish Energy. 

Member admission decisions are made by Executive Board of Finnish Energy after receiving a written membership application.

Further information about membership is available on Finnish Energy rules.

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